Happy Holidays from KÜHL

By KÜHL Editor on August 13, 2024
4 min read

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KÜHL would like to wish you a happy holiday season full of adventure and time spent with loved ones. We asked our ambassadors to share their favorite holiday traditions. No matter how you celebrate, we hope you get outside and enjoy the mountain culture!

South Tyrol (in northern Italy) is synonymous with Christmas, mingling century old traditions into the mountain culture. For me, Christmas is a time to celebrate the seminal role of mountains into my life, from recreation, to family, to discovery and just plain love of life. Francesca Conte

Merry Christmas from the National Geographic Abaco Blue Holes Cave Diving Expedition. Our mountain spirit takes us deep underground to explore the Everests of the underworld. These remarkable vistas are museums of natural history and some of the last frontiers for exploration on earth. We are very privileged to explore these beautiful places and share our experiences with the world. Jill Heinerth

Holiday tradition is being with family celebrating peace, love, and of course, the great outdoors. Jill Cederholm Photo Credit: Cathy Ynstead

This year, my husband and I are starting a new tradition. He gets very little vacation time at his new job, but he does get the week between Christmas and New Year's off. Starting this year, we'll be traveling somewhere together during that week! This year, we're headed to Vienna, Bratislava, and Budapest. It's also right around the time of our wedding anniversary, so it's a fun way to celebrate. Who knows where next year will take us? Danielle Cemprola

Our tradition is to raise money and awareness for Walk with the Wounded by walking/running a sponsored mountain route. This thought provoking charity supports and re-trains the UK's ex-servicemen and women, both veterans and those leaving the Armed Forces today, and we are very proud to be a part of it. Sophie and Reuben, Hinturland

A KUHL Ambassador sitting happily in a hut with his family
Michelle and Kenyon celebrate New Year's Eve with a family in Mexico

Every year during the Holidays, we travel to Mexico the day after Christmas to build homes. We started this tradition 4 years ago, embarking on a new journey and different sense of adventure. We fell in love with this service and have returned every year. Kenyon Virchow

My favorite holiday tradition? COOKIES!! I love making gingerbread cookies, including this batch for the KÜHL Cycling Team. Lara Fisher

For the third year in a row, we're taking our daughters to the Caribbean for Christmas. We love giving the gift of experience, spending time together, and getting a healthy dose of Vitamin D. Nicole Goodman

A KUHL Ambassador spending her holday with her family

My husband and I love to travel, and a lot of times traveling is based on a big triathlon event for me. My first overseas race was in 2014, and our twin boys were only five years old. We were not sure how they would handle Spain and Portugal for two weeks. We quickly learned that our two new companions only enhanced our experiences, and ever since we have traveled to many European destinations as a family. Up next is a triathlon in Cuba, the homeland of my father and therefore, a very personal destination for the whole family. Our mountain spirit is sure to be reborn there in the new year! Allie Burdick

Winter is definitely my favorite season. I pack some KÜHL men's sportswear and return to the home of my heart - Maui - at least 2500 miles from convention. Create your own traditions and uphold them. Steve Maxwell

Our favorite holiday tradition is to get outside somehow on Christmas Day. It may be a walk at the beach if the weather is unseasonably warm, but it makes the day extra special when a blanket of fresh snow greets us. Spending time in the silence of the woods making fresh tracks with our snowshoes is my ideal way to spend the holidays. Angela Bekkala

Joy is often found in unexpected places. This rock has become our daughter's favorite sliding hill after coming across it during the first snowfall of this season. No sled required! Sara Kylander-Johnson

The SKJs keep the outdoor spirit alive during Christmas by getting up early and getting outside. Our trio lets Mother Nature determine the plan of attack, but it usually involves skiing, sledding or both. The adventure isn't complete, however, until we've guzzled a cup of homemade hot cocoa. Scott Kylander-Johnson

During the holidays, our family spends as much time as possible outside. It can be tricky living in a big city like New York, but we have an amazing park as our "backyard." After the first snowfall, the entire neighborhood comes out to sled. Not only is it a good way for the kids to work out their extra energy (and extra sugar from those holiday cookies!), but it’s a chance for us to laugh a lot together! Christine Yu

We wish you a happy, healthy holiday season full of Born in the Mountains spirit and adventure!

KÜHL Editor
KÜHL Editor


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